Researchers at Food & Human Nutrition at Newcastle University and scientists at King's College London have revealed that people who eat breakfast are healthier and have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) compared to those who skip breakfast.
One study that reviewed the eating habits of 17,800 men showed that those men who eat breakfast, regardless of what breakfast they ate, weighed less then those men that skipped breakfast.
Other studies have also shown that eating low glycemic index foods for breakfast, including porridge oats, Shredded Wheat and Weetabix also aid weight loss as they release their energy slowly without spiking blood sugar levels.
And being low on the glycemic index breakfast cereals like porridge and whole grain options they allow people to feel full for longer.
There is no conclusive evidence to say why eating breakfast regulates weight and allows dieters to lose weight, but theories include people who eat breakfast are less likely to reach for high fat / high sugar snacks later on in the day as their blood sugar levels crash, as well as eating breakfast shows your body that you don't need to store excess calories as body fat - something humans have done for thousands of years just in case food becomes scarce for pro-longed periods of time.
Studies have also shown that people who eat breakfast tend to eat more fat and more high calorie snacks throughout the day - both which will increase body fat and increase body weight.