GMTV ran a report this morning that showed school children who eat pack lunches in place of a cooked school dinner have an inferior diet compared to those children that do eat the dinners offered at schools.
Approximately 50% of all primary school children eat a packed lunch instead of a cooked school meal. However, it has been revealed that only 1% of school children eating a packed lunch eat a healthy balanced diet and only 1 in 5 children carry a piece of fresh fruit in their packed lunchbox.
Parents looking to coax their children to eat something at lunch time send children into school with lunchboxes crammed with biscuits, cakes, sweets and high sugar fruit juices - foods that will cause their children to become overactive at school and also increase the chance of children's obesity levels to rise.
UK food agencies suggest that councils, education authorities and teachers should education both parents and children in what foods are more suitable for a child's packed lunch.