Roasted red pepper houmous

This tangy starter takes only minutes to prepare and is lower in fat than most shop-bought alternatives as it has no added olive oil.
Ingredients (12 servings, 2 tbsp per serving)
100g roasted red peppers, roughly chopped
410g/16oz can chickpeas, drained
and rinsed
25g/1oz tahini (sesame paste)
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed
lemon juice (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
Freshly ground black pepper
1) In a food processor or blender (or simply using a fork) combine all the ingredients except the black pepper. Process the mixture until smooth.
2) Season to taste with pepper and serve chilled or at room temperature with toasted wholemeal pitta wedges and a selection of crudités.
Calories per serving: 65
Fat per serving: 2.58g
Top Tips
- Roasted peppers can be bought in jars from supermarkets or delicatessens. Take care to remove excess oil with these varieties. You can make your own by grilling thick slices of pepper skin-side up, until the skin chars and blisters. Carefully remove from the heat and place in a plastic bag for 10 minutes. Then peel off and discard the skin before using the flesh.
- Chickpeas are a great store cupboard standby. They are a vegetarian source of protein and, along with other beans and pulses, can count as one of your 5 A DAY portions of fruit and vegetables (but only one a day, no matter how much you eat).
- It makes a great snack served with wedges of toasted wholemeal pitta bread and crudités. Or use it as a spread on sandwiches, adding a variety of vegetables for a colourful feast.
Courtesy of the World Cancer Research Fund
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