I have never exercises before. Should I join a gym?

Michael Cowen says ...

A qualified yes! If you are reasonably young and healthy there is no reason why you should not get stuck into some exercise right away.

However there may be reasons why this is not ideal.

Your local gyms should offer you a thorough gym induction which will get you started and most good gym instructors will give you all of the advice about how to develop your programme. The majority of gyms now have personal trainers who can give more specific help and advice if needed.

The good news is that most gyms do now cater for people of all ages and fitness levels and many offer exercise programmes for those with health issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure. When you join a gym you should be given a health screening which looks out for some basic health problems but if you think you may have something wrong with you its always best to speak to your doctor first, although in most cases, some exercise will be just what the doctor orders.

Joanne Besser says ...

Yes… it doesn’t matter how much exercise you’ve done in the past, the most important thing is to start doing something, and keep it up regularly.  If you’re not sure what to do or how to do it, seek some professional advice from a personal trainer or by joining a class to ensure you train in a safe way and get the most out of your sessions.  There are an abundance of classes available for you to try - circuit training, spinning, dancing, and yoga to name a few – see if you can rope in some friends as this will help keep you motivated.

If you don’t like going to the gym you could try training outside. Running and triathlon clubs are prolific across the U.K and welcome new members while boasting a great social atmosphere to complement the training advice and motivation you will receive.  Alternatively you could find a trainer who will meet you in a local park or join an outdoor circuit class (not for the faint hearted) where you can exercise in the great outdoors and enjoy the summer sun.

Just try something, and have fun… if you don’t enjoy exercise chances are you’ll give up and have a direct debit going out every month for a gym membership you never use.

Joanne Besser, Head Personal Trainer, Oomph! Fitness

Mike Heatlie says ...

If your car was having trouble with the brakes would you go to a garage and start messing around with the brakes yourself and then off you go onto the bypass? Good luck when those lights turn red!

If you’ve never exercised before you need a trainer, period. You could spend hours trying to learn a new language yourself but your progress would be better if you had a coach. Training is no different, however the consequences of screwing up in the gym are far worse than learning a new language by yourself.

Hire a good trainer, an experienced trainer, one without a lot of ego, the focuses on you and your goals, then you'll never look back.

Mike Heatlie, Personal Trainer, Mike Heatlie Personal Training

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