Blood Type Diet

Can your blood type dicated what to eat and the best way to succeed when dieting? Peter D’Adamo’s book, Eat Right 4 Blood Type O claims that our blood type is the key to understanding what foods our body reacts to best and which they don't.
How does the Blood Type Diet work?
Based on evolutionary theory Peter D’Adamo, the writer of Eat Right 4 Blood Type O and the man behind the Blood Type Diet prescribes a different diet for the four groups, for example, he claims group O is the earliest blood group – ‘the hunter’ – and therefore should eat a high protein diet, while group As – ‘the cultivator’ – date back to the dawn of agriculture and should chow down on plenty of veg, while avoiding red meat to lose weight and improve their digestion.
Eating for blood type O
In Eating Right 4 Blood Type O Dr D’Adamo says that our digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times, and so type Os need to eat a typical hunter-gatherer type diet. This means eating lots of fresh lean meat, fish and little or no carbohydrates.
This diet is very remiscient of the Atkins Diet whereby the dieter follows a high protein / moderate fat / low carb eating plan with no potatoes, no grains, no wheat and very little fruit.
Exercise wish Dr D'Adamo suggests lots of vigorous exercise including running and aerobics.
Eating for blood type A
According to Dr D'Adamo, the digestive system of blood type A people is apparently very good at digesting fruits and vegetables but not meat. This means following a very rigid vegetarian style diet plan. This means eating seeds, nuts, beans, cereals, rice and pastas, fruit and vegetables but not meat, fish and dairy products. Bizarrely Dr D'Adamo also says that people with blood type A should avoid strenuous and follow an exercise plan that is more gentle and calming, activities like yoga and golf.
Eating for blood type B
If following the Blood Type Diet I'd really hope to have blood type B (I don't I have blood type O) because people with blood type B can successfully digest a whole host of food groups. This means following a diet both rich in lean meats and fish and fruits and vegetables. Dr D'Adamo advocates a 'balaced diet' for people with blood type B. The only foods to avoid are processed foods like microwave meals and seeds and nuts. Dr D'Adamo also suggests that the blood type B dieter should also eat only small amounts of carbohydrates - enough for energy but not enough to be stored as body fat.
Blood type B followers should also include exercise which taxes the mind as well as the body, including hiking, swimming, tennis and other team sports.
Eating for blood type AB
As you may think the AB dieter following the Blood Type Diet should follow the diets recommended for blood type A and blood type B. However, this throws up an obvious problem - blood type B dieters can eat a balanced diet but blood type A dieters shouldn't eat meat and fish. Dr D'Adamo circumvents this issue by suggesting that the AB dieter should 'mostly' follow the vegetarian diet of blood type A with the 'occasional' inclusion of meat and fish.
As for an exercise plan, well combine hiking, swimming and team sports with yoga and golf or other calming activities.
Advantages of the Blood Type Diet
The advantages of the Blood Type Diet are not necesserily based on the diet per se but rather that the Blood Type Diet forces the dieter to look closely at their eating habits. Weight loss might occur with the Blood Type Diet because the plan suggests eating lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out booze and junk foods - good advice to follow regardless of your blood type.
Secondly, the Blood Type Diet also includes another key element of weight loss that many other diet plans ignore - exercise. Supporting a diet plan with exercise will speed up the weight loss process ... as long as the exercise is moderate - vigorous in pace and is performed at least 3 to 5 times a week.
Disadvantages of the Blood Type Diet
Well ... do you know your blood type? If not, you'll need a blood test simply to start a new eating plan using the Blood Type Diet programme. Secondly, what about a family who all have different blood types? Will the parents have to cook a number of seperate meals simply to feed their family?
Finally, exactly why would your blood type change the way the body will lose weight. Simply eat fresh foods, cut out junk, reduce alcohol AND make sure you eat less calories than you burn each day and watch the pounds fall off - regardless of your blood type, eye colour or inside leg measurement.
Blood Type Diet - Conclusion
This diet sounds more like an old wive's tale rather than a diet plan based on science. Nevertheless Dr A'Adamo's eating plan does promote eating foods that will clean up the dieter's eating habits. Rather than eat for your blood type use the plans for each blood type and allow yourself to eat a mixture of the foods suggested each day. But remember, aim to eat little and often and eat everything in moderation.
The Blood Type Diet also advocates exercise, something that can complement any new diet and healthy eating plan to allow the dieter to lose weight in double quick time.
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