Sit and reach test
The sit and reach test a general flexibility test for the lower back and hamstring muscle groups. Adequate lower back and hamstring flexibility is considered very important for the prevention of lower back pain and stiffness.
The lower back and hamstring are very common sites for tightness in many people, including athletes and gym users.
Performing the sit and reach test
The sit and reach test is a very simple and quick test to assess the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings.
NOTE: Before perfing the sit and reach test subjects should have undergone a total body warm up for at least 5 minutes.
To perform the sit and reach test follow these simple guidelines:
- Sit on the floor with the legs out straight (shoes off)
- Place the soles of the feet against a flat board or box ( a ruler should be placed onto of the box to record the score).
- With the legs perfectly straight, bend forward at the hips by using the lower back muscles.
- Reach forward and with your hands try to touch your toes, the reach past your toes and place your hand on the flat box.
- Perform the test 3 times and record the best measurement.
Diagram of the sit and reach test

The aim of the sit and reach test
The aim of the sit and reach test is to highlight tightness in the lower bcak and / or hamstring muscles. To assess your performance in the sit and reach test please use the table below:
Men (cm)
Women (cm)
> +27
> +30
+17 to +27
+21 to +30
+6 to +16
+11 to +20
0 to +5
+1 to +10
-8 to -1
-7 to 0
-19 to -9
-14 to -8
very poor
< -20
< -15
Improving your sit and reach score
To improve your sit and reach score it is important to reach the lower bcak and hamstrings at least 3 times a week. Simply perform a hamstring strectch and lower back reach for 3 or 4 sets, holding each static stretch for at least 30 seconds.
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