Jobs and careers for graduates in health, fitness and leisure
Graduate jobs in fitness and leisure are becoming more readily available. The universities are tying their courses with the industry vocational examinations letting graduates get jobs without taking further vocational qualifications. If the course you have taken has not tied to the vocational training there are roles out there, as the industry develops there are more graduate management jobs with structured training and development. There are more graduate jobs in fitness now due to the multiple site operators bringing in house training academies, and there is always sales which although is often dismissed by graduates it is often the best paid and fastest management track entry level position.
Sports science graduates
As a graduate, in particular in sports science it can be frustrating, in Australia courses are linked to the vocational training scheme so you get a degree and you can then work in UK health clubs, fitness centres or sports coaching. In the UK the first universities are now looking at the courses being involved with NVQ schemes. It is worth looking at the work that Skills Active is doing to try and bring education closer to the vocational requirements of industry. Skills Active is working closely with the exercise register The Register of Exercise Professionals and the most important factor in choosing your courses is to ensure they are recognised by the Exercise Register as this is the standard that employers in the UK look at. The Exercise Register also works with its equivalent bodies in Australia, South Africa and America to help people travel with their qualifications.
Cutting edge sports coaching
To get into the cutting edge sports coaching industry the best route is through education, a Masters and PHD are usually the way to get involved with the national and international teams in sports and athletics before you even leave education. A lot of the leading teams depend on the involvement from leading universities such as Sheffield Hallam and Chichester University As well as NVQ’s there are RVQ’s which are Related Vocational Qualifications, currently it is Southampton that lead the way in this respect with a further fifteen expected to join the programme next year.
Foundation degree courses
There are also new two year Foundation Degrees being released now with Leeds Mertopolitan University and the University of Luton are offering these courses. They are very much like a HND except they are even further related to the vocational skills required to work in industry.
Courtesy of Leisure Jobs UK
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