Juice Master Diet

Juice Master was set up by Jason Vale, a motivational speaker and an authority on addiction and weight loss. The Juice Master Diet uses juicing to lose weight. The main principle in the Juice Master Diet is to use a blender to create juices and shakes of raw vegetables and fruit. Jason Vale claims that his Juice Master Diet juicing ideas help dieters to lose 7 lbs in only 7 days!
How the Juice Master Diet works
The Juice Master Diet basically suggests that using a blender to create vitamin packed juices and drinks based on raw vegetables and fruits is a create way to lose weight. Jason Vale - the 'Juice Master' himself - writes Juice Master Diet books where he reveals hundreds of juicing ideas that, he claims, helps people lose weight.
Advantages of the Juice Master Diet
The Juice Master diet takes out the chance to over indulge in fats and sweets - unless you can blend them of course! In all seriousness, the Juice Master Diet allows dieters to create high energy drinks packed full of fresh vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy lifestyle. Each Juice Master Diet drink contains raw veg and fruit which has been blended to create a nutritious and, it is claimed by Jason Vale, a tasty meal substitute.
One advantage of the Juice Master Diet is that the user doesn't need to monitor their 5-a-day count or worry about counting calories. They also don't need to plan ahead for meals and worry whether their meals will be low fat and nutritionally balanced. In many respects the Juice Master Diet mirrors the Lighter Life Diet and the Slim Fast Diet where people looking to lose weight can drink a meal replacement that are packed with low calorie / low fat nutrients without having to calorie count or look on the back of food labels. One advantage of the Juice Master Diet drinks can claim above the Lighter Life Diet and Slim Fast Diet options is that Juice Master meal replacement drinks are home made and don't need to cost a small fortune.
Advocates of meal replacement diets feel that food is an addiction and that the best way to lose weight is to take food directly out of the equation altogether and replace it with an alternative. This is something the Juice Master Diet adheres to.
And with claims that the Juice Master Diet allows users to lose 7lbs in only 7 days, the suggestion that taking food off the menu is certainly something that will look attractive to some people.
Disadvantages of the Juice Master Diet
There is no denying that Juice Master Diet drinks are nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals. However, there is more to a diet than vitamins; there should a balance. Where in the Juice Master Diet is the idea of eating protein and essential fats that both allow a dieter to feel full as well as allowing the body to repair itself and create a positive hormonal balance respectively.
Also, giving people the freedom to blend veg and fruits doesn't account for the fact the fruits, especially, are high in natural sugars that can a. be high in calories and b. rapidly increase blood sugar levels that may in fact promote weight gain rather than weight loss. How so? Well, rapid increases of blood sugar levels also increases the production of insulin. Increases in insulin drives nutrients around the body. Once these nutrients and calories have be deposited, any extra calories not needed at that time will be deposited as body fat. So creating high calorie / high sugar drinks isn't the best way to regulate or reduce your weight.
Drinking or eating any high sugar foods can lead to the user feeling hungry soon after as a rise in blood sugar followed by a rapid dip causes a feeling of emptiness and a need to fill the gap, often with another high sugar food or drink. So following the Juice Master Diet juicing ideas might have those of us who don't have an iron will reaching for the high sugar cakes, biscuits and sweets.
Finally, any diets that claim rapid weight loss never seen to mention that initial weight loss will come from a drop in water rather than from body fat - which should ultimately be the aim of any diet. So a loss of 7lbs in 7 days, while way above the save level of losing weight - which as any dietian or doctor will tell you is 1-2lb a week - sounds great, most of the weight loss will be water and as soon as the diet moves away from the Juice Master Diet this weight will come back just as quickly as it was lost.
Juice Master Diet - The conclusion
I don't believe the Juice Master Diet is something that should be used solely on its own as a form of weight loss tool. Drinking a high energy Juice Master Diet meal replacement might be ideal for those people who tend to skip breakfast or for those busy people who find it difficult to find time to fit lunch into their hectic day. Using the Juice Master Diet drinks for one meal per day is okay. Even using the Juice Master Diet drink suggestions as meal supplements rather than meal replacements might be an idea, so long as the drink created isn't crammed full of high sugar fruits that will spike insulin levels.
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