Instructing Health Related Exercise to Children

Children's health issues are increasingly coming under the spotlight, with government initiatives to cut down child obesity and organisations such as the British Heart Foundation promoting exercise and sporting activities for children.
The Focus Training Instructing Health Related Exercise to Children training course will provide you with specific knowledge about the health of children and the skills required to run exercise sessions, unsupervised, with children between the ages of 5 and 16. You will also have a fully accredited and nationally recognised qualification in instructing health related fitness to children.
Focus Training course aim
The Instructing Health Related Exercise to Children training course has been designed to allow successful candidates to run exercise sessions with children aged 5-16 years.
You will learn the skills and knowledge needed to plan, teach and evaluate a range of activities for children whilst gaining an understanding of the challenges you will face teaching groups of young people, unsupervised.
Course content
Children aged between 5 and 16 years old have a variety of health and fitness needs and wants. The Focus Training course in Instrcuting Health Related Exercise to Children training course will allow graduates to understand this and accomodate for it. As such, the training course will include:
- Components of fitness and physical activity for children
- Skeleton & joints
- Muscular system
- Cardiovascular system
- Health & Safety
- Session planning
Course assessment
The Focus Training Instructing Health Related Exercise to Children training course will assess students in a number of ways, combining both distance learning and loaction based exams. The asessments include:
- Case Study
- Exercise Plan
- Teaching assessment
- Exercise and Fitness Knowledge exam
- Nutrition
Certification and qualifications
Graduating students will obtain a CYMCA Level 2 certificate in Instructing Health Related Exercise to Children.
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