Diet pills & slimming pills for weight loss
Diet and slimming pills are used for quick fix rapid weight loss. Diet and slimming pills come in many forms - from fat blocking pills and pills that prevent hunger and beat cravings to slimming pills that boost the metabolism. These factors, along with the idea that people can still eat what they like, do no exercise and lose weight quickly with little effort, means that, for some the idea of slimming pills is too good to resist.
Do slimming pills work?
Ah, the $64,000 question - do slimming pills and diet pills work? Well yes, and no.
Yes, slimming pills can allow users to lose weight quickly. However, there are side effects. But more about side effects later.
In the UK, there are two anti-obesity slimming pills available on medical prescription, Xenical and Reductil. People looking for over the counter slimming pills and dietary aids can purchase Alli Weight Loss pills, available with the Alli Diet Plan.
Both Xenical slimming pills and Alli Weight Loss pills are based on Orlistat - which blocks the action of lipase, the enzyme that digests fat in the intestine and stops around 30 percent of the fat you’ve eaten from being absorbed.
The result, your body fails to absorb fats (and calories) found in food and so begins to lose weight.
Reductil slimming pills, on the other hand enhances satiety by indirectly boosting levels of serotonin, a chemical that helps you feel full. Thus the users of Reuctil slimming pills feel satisfied with less food - and so eat smaller amounts and lose weight.
Slimming pills - The good
Both Xenical and Reductil slimming pills are clinically proven to enhance weight loss in users. Both Xenical and Recutil slimming pills are supported by many health professionals and experts on obesity.
Slimming pills - The bad
Both Xenical and Reductil slimming pills are a far cry from the slimming pills of yester-year which contained a tape worm! This tape worm would then be ingested by the sliiming pill user and it would do what tape worms do best, take in as much food as possible itself - meaning the worm carrier would rapidly lose weight..
Another favourite type of slimming pills are the ones based on caffeine. The idea behind these lsimming pills is that caffeine will artifically boost the heart rate, which will artifically boost the metabolism - the inner furness that burns calories for fuel in the body. Sounds ideal, but caffeine is both a stimulant and diuretic, resulting in caffeine highs and caffeine come downs and the feeling of being dehydrated - something which is actually a bad state to be in if you are looking to lose body fat.
Other slimming pills and diet pills bought over the counter often have little basis in science and the ingredients often haven't been tested in controlled lab conditions. This means there is little knowledge of their side effects or even evidence weather these slimming pills work.
Slimming pills - The (ugly) side effects
Xenical slimming pills and Alli Weight Loss pills stop the aborption of fats from food. This results in what many will feel is a deal breaking side effect - soiling oneself. Yes that's right. The Alli slimming pill in particular has shown side effects including people being caught short and in need of feces relief - fast. This has resulted in many Alli slimming pill users actually soiling themselves before they could get to the toliet.
Slimming pills - The conclusion
Many people will be referred onto slimming pills by their GP or doctor for justifiable medical reasons.
However, some people will simply look to slimming pills as the diet and weight loss holy grail, allowing them to eat what they like, do no exercise yet still maintain a healthy looking figure. For these people slimming pills are not ideal. They come with side effects and possible issues when they are completed.
These people should look to gain weight control counselling as a way to alter their mind set about dieting and weight loss. This way people can actively lose weight in a safe calorie controlled way, rather than using side effect laden slimming pills.
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