F.I.E Fitness Instructor course

Fitness Industry Education (FIE) is committed to providing progressive fitness based education and training of the highest standard. This commitment extends to all areas of the health and fitness industry, from group Exercise to Music delivery to health club and gym programme co-ordination and administration. Fitness Industry Education aim to instill in our graduates a sense of excitement to assist all they can, and a sense of satisfaction when they have.
Fitness Instructor / Gym Instructor course
If you want to supervise in a gym, do fitness equipment maintenance, design fitness and exercise programmes and take people through inductions, then this is the course for you. You can expect to earn £5-£8 per hour in most clubs. This course will get you onto the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) at level 2 and an internationally recognised certificate from either Central YMCA Qualifications or Active IQ.
Fitness instructor course: Distance learning
This fitness course will give you an introduction into fitness programme design covering both resistance training and cardiovascular training. You will also learn about the various systems of the body and the effects exercise has upon them. As a qualified fitness instructor and gym instructor you will be able to write programmes for clients with a variety of fitness goals. It will also allow you gain entry to the Register Of Exercise Professinals (REPs) at level 2.
Fitness Instructor course: Classroom based
As with the distance learning Fitness Instructor course you will learn about the body's various systems and the effects exercise has upon them. You will alos learn how to design exercise programmes based around resistance and cardiovascular machines, giving you the skills to prescibe exercise plans that allow your clients to increase muscle tone, size, strength and fitness.
Unlike the distance learning course the classroom based course will require students on the Fitness Instructor / Gym Instructor course to attend. Training course days are set and students will also be required to complete some online theory assessments.
Next steps
Fitness Industry Education also run a vary of further fitness training courses, allowing people to progress up the health and fitness career ladder. These fitness training courses include:
- Exercise to Music
- Aerobics and Group Exercise
- Personal Training
- Fitness Management
- Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses
All the courses run by Fitness Industry Education (FIE) are accreditted by the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). To learn more about REPs visit our very own Register of Exercise Professionals guide.
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