The many benefits of yoga
Yoga can help you to achieve a healthy mind and body through the following benefits:
In a world where stress plays a part in most people’s lives, yoga is the perfect antidote. Gentle yoga exercises such as breathing, stretching and meditation help to release tension and revitalize the nervous system.
Yoga postures ensure that all parts of the body are exercised gently but effectively. The muscles and ligaments are stretched and toned, the spine and joints are flexed, and blood circulation is improved leading to further health benefits.
Breathing should be deep, rhythmical and slow. Yoga teaches you how to breath properly which will help you to remain calmer, more focused and increase your energy levels.
The combination of breathing techniques, physical exercise and meditation helps to improve concentration.
Positive Thinking
Yoga encourages positive thinking through its philosophy and practice. It also helps to eliminate negative thoughts and promotes self-belief and mental wellbeing.
Yoga enhances the functioning of the respiratory, digestive, endocrine, reproductive and elimination systems, helping to remove toxins, stimulate and heal.
Breathing techniques are calming and help to create energy. Yoga postures free up energy blockages and help to channel it more appropriately, leaving you refreshed and energised.
Courtesy of All About Yoga
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