Bicep exercises
The biceps are actually made up of two distinct muscles:
- Biceps brachii
- Brachialis
Both muscles run along the front of the upper arm, from the shoulder to the elbow.
The biceps brachii is responsible for the ball-like "head" on your biceps. However it is the brachialis that is the larger of the two bicep muscles. The brachalis is located underneath the biceps brachii.
Both bicep muscles help flex your elbow. In addition, the biceps brachii helps to supinate your forearm. This helps when turning your wrist as you flex your arm - hitting a tennis ball with spin, throwing a football etc.
Below are a number of exercises which will allow you to exercise each part of your bicep muscles. Simply click on the name of an exercise to watch a free video demonstration of that exercise.
Bicep exercises: Video demonstrations
Bicep curls (Barbell)
Bicep curls (Dumbbell)
Cable curls
Concentration curls
Hammer curls
Incline bicep curls
Preacher curls (Barbell)
Preacher curls (Dumbbell)
Preacher curls (Machine)
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