Gym & Fitness Buddy social network

There's an online social network called Fitness Buddy, aimed at Londoners aged 18 or over, who are looking for a gym buddy or sports buddy. Fitness Buddy is one of several features on the fitness website
Fitness Buddy is free to join. Simply create your free profile, including your preferred activity, your skill level, and the days/times you're available. Then you can search for people in your area who matche you preferences, and message them through the website to arrange a gym workout or any one of 10 fitness activities. The options are gym, yoga, pilates, tennis, squash, badminton, bodybuilding, kickboxing, karate, and judo.
The sociable element of Fitness Buddy means you're more likely to stick to your fitness activity. You'll enjoy some friendly competition, encourage each other to achieve more than you'd do alone, and give each other tips on technique.
Psychologists say that the people you choose to spend your time with can literally shape the person you become. A Fitness Buddy will help you get leaner, fitter, and healthier too.
Why not arrange to meet up at regular times each week, until exercise becomes a natural part of your life? If evenings are no good, why not get up a bit earlier and meet up before work, or at lunchtime, or straight after work, or even at the weekend? With the London 2012 Olympics coming up, Fitness Buddy should help Londoners get more active and into sports & fitness.
Go find yourself a Fitness Buddy today! Just go to Fitness Buddy
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