Major muscles used
- Quadricpes
- Lower back
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
Performing the deadlift
- Place the barbell on the floor in front of you.
- Place your feet approximately shoulder width apart.
- Bend down and grasp the bar, with palms down, just outside of your knees.
- Keep your knees bent, back straight, and head up at all times.
- Using your legs and back, stand up until legs, back, and arms are straight. Keep your head up and abdominals tight while standing.
- Keeping your back straight, slowly return to the beginning position in a controlled manner.
Be careful
- Don't let your back hunch over as you stand up. Be sure to keep your head up and back straight while lifting with your legs and back.
- Don't jerk the weight up or use momentum when lifting the weight. Always use slow, controlled lifting movements.
- Don't increase the weight until you have developed good habits and are using proper form. Always start out using light weights.
Alternative exercises to the deadlift
NOTE: There is no real substitute exercise for the deadlift. This exercise works most of the bodies major muscle groups - the legs and the back. It will even use other major muscles groups for support during the exercise execution, including the abs, biceps, upper back and chest.
Courtesy of, your Online Personal Trainer
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