Behind the back wrist curls
Performing the wrist curl behind the back can supply a variation in resistance on the forearm flexor muscles compared to the barbell wrist curl. Targeting the muscles responsible for the flexion of the wrist, the behind the back wrist curl may prove a wise choice for those wishing to increase hypertrophy of the forearms.
Performing behind the back wrist curls
High repetitions may be of benefit with this forearm exercise, with the forearm muscles commonly containing a high population of slow twitch muscle fibres.
- Load bar with correct weight. Put on safety collars.
- Rest bar on low rack, or bench.
- Face away from the bar, and grasp the barbell with an underhand grip from behind, so barbell is behind your body.
- Stand upright, torso erect and back straight.
- Excution/Movement.
- Keeping arms stationary, and maintain good body posture, allow barbell to roll down fingers.
- Grip barbell back into a firm grip, then flex wrist upwards to peak contraction.
- Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.
Wrist curls courtesy of Fitness Uncovered - Bodybuilding & Fitness
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