Bench dips
For those with no dipping station, the bench dip can provide great stress to the chest and triceps, with only two benches (or item similar such as chairs) needed to perform this exercise. In the same way dips can be made to target the chest or triceps to greater degrees, the bench dip can be performed with the hands closer together to place greater stress onto the triceps, whilst a wider grip will stress the chest more.
To increase resistance weight plates can be added to the lap when performing the dip.
Performing bench dips
When training for muscular size it is often best to train in a rep range of 6-12 repetitions, although there is often much debate on the optimal rep range. It would be advisable to experiment with different ranges to see which suits you.
- Place two benches parallel to one another, roughly 4 or 5 feet apart.
- Grip onto the edge of one of the benches, with relevant width grip (see comments).
- Bend at the hip and place feet on other bench with legs straight, in a sitting down position.
- Keep back straight.
- Descend body downwards, with torso and buttocks missing the side of the bench, as feet pivot on opposite bench.
- Maintain straight back and good body posture throughout movement.
- Once upper arms are just below parallel to the floor, press body back to the beginning position.
- Repeat for desired number repetitions.
Bench dips courtesy of Fitness Uncovered - Bodybuilding & Fitness
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