Exercise ball crunch
With greater support and stretch compared to the normal crunch, the crunch on an exercise ball will also recruit the muscles of the midsection, the obliques and the rectus abdominis. The involvement of the hip flexors is greatly reduced during the ball crunch.
Providing resistance to oppose the flexion of the spine, in the manner the crunch does, will strength and usually lead to hypertrophy of the muscles of the midsection. The crunch will provide little results for direct fat loss of the midsection. A more fruitful approach would be to implement a diet and cardiovascular training routine with the aim to reduce overall body fat.
Performing exercise ball crunches
- Sit on exercise ball. Whilst sitting the ball, walk forwards so to roll the ball backwards, and lean back. The lower back should now be supported by the ball, and head and shoulder free hanging, knees bent and feet flat on floor.
- Hip should be bent.
- Hyperextend back so that it fits and is supported by the curve of the ball.
- Raise head and shoulders off floor, rounding the upper portion of your back.
- After peak contraction, slowly lower shoulders and head back to starting position.
- Repeat for desired number of repetitions.
Exercise ball crunches courtesy of Fitness Uncovered - Bodybuilding & Fitness
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