Perform the perfect press up
I wish I had a pound for every time I've heard this! Sorry, but if you don't already do press ups, you should. If you are new to press ups,we suggest you just need to start with a 'beginners' version.
What do press ups do?
This exercise is fantastic for strengthening and toning the chest. It also works the arms and back. I love it because it works multiple muscles and joints, doing many jobs at once.
Teach yourself to do a few really well and you'll start to get a fabulous, fit-looking upper body.
How do I do press ups?
Below are recommendations for people who are exercise beginners, intermediates and more advanced exercisers.
Exercise beginners
On your hands and knees with your hands a bit wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows, dropping your chest down towards the floor between your hands. To really make these work (and this is the hard bit), try to keep your chest between your thumbs and your nose line in front of the line across between your fingertips. You weight should be in your hands.
Exercise intermediates
As above, but increase the distance between your hands and your knees, so your body becomes "longer". Ideally you should flatten off your hips to make a straight line between your shoulders and your knees. Brace your stomach muscles to maintain spinal rigidity and check that you are lowering your chest between your thumbs, bending and straightening at the elbows.
You would get a "GOOD" rating if you could do 30 Intermediate Press ups!
Advanced exercisers
Now your weight is on your hands and your feet alone, your hands about 1 ½ times shoulder width apart and your hands level with your chest. Your body should be straight and rigid. This will now really work your deep abdominal muscles that support your spine as well as your arms and chest. Take care that your body doesn't "sag" in the middle!
The fit ball press up
Any press ups can be performed from a fit ball. Keep your weight on your hands and your head forward from your hands. The further you "walk out" from the ball the harder you will work.
How much should I do?
If you're completely new to it, start with a set of 10 beginners press ups every other day for a week. Gradually build up over a 2 - 3 weeks to 30 every other day. When those are easy try progressing to the Intermediates and reducing the number back down to 5 - 10 and building slowly again. If you can progress to advanced press ups, reduce the number until your strength grows.
... and remember
If you are carrying too much weight then this exercise is harder. You may find it difficult to progress to the intermediate version. Give it time and persevere. Exercise caution if you have wrist, elbow are shoulder problems.
Courtesy of Noelle Watson, Professional Personal Trainer
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