Box squat
The squat is a great overall leg builder and is optimal when performed to the correct depth. A common addition to the squat is to perform the exercise with a chair, bench or box at the depth in which the trainer wishes to reach at the bottom of the squat exercise, beneath the trainer. The trainer will then descend and stop as soon as their backside reaches the box, and then proceed back to the starting position, completing the repetition. This is done to ensure the correct depth is reached on each repetition. This is can be used by trainers who wish to ensure they reach the correct depth for optimal results, or by strength athletes who want to ensure they reach the legal mark for competition training.
When performing the box squat the trainer should never rest or stop on the box, the box is just there to "brush against" to ensure the correct depth is reached.
Performing box squats
When training for muscular size it is often best to train in a rep range of 6-12 repetitions, although there is often much debate on the optimal rep range. It would be advisable to experiment with different ranges to see which suits you.
- Place barbell on squat rack pins, which are set at a suitable height for you to dismount and re-rack safely.
- Load bar with correct weight. Put on safety collars.
- Place box or platform of correct height behind yourself in suitable position.
- Position barbell on back of shoulders, taking a wide grasp on the bar.
- Dismount barbell carefully, taking a step backwards and positioning feet at suitable width stance.
- Descend with bar, bending at the knees and hip, keeping good posture throughout execution. Keep feet flat on floor throughout execution.
- Stop when the posterior thigh, or buttocks, brush onto box, but do not sit on the box.
- Extend knees and hip to standing position again.
- Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.
Box squats courtesy of Fitness Uncovered - Bodybuilding & Fitness
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