Overhead cable tricep extensions
Major muscles used
Performing overhead cable tricep extensions
- Attach a tricep rope to a pulley machine coming from below.
- Place a chair or bench with a 90 degree angle back next to the pulley machine, facing away.
- Sit in chair with upper arms straight up, elbows next to head. Have your partner hand you the tricep rope that is attached to the pulley machine--grab it so that your hands are next to the knot at end.
- Keeping your upper arms straight with elbow at a "fixed-point", lift the tricep rope upward over your head until your arms are fully extended.
- Hold for a brief second flexing your tricep muscles.
- Return the rope to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner, keeping your elbows at a fixed point.
Be careful
- When lifting and lowering the rope try not to sway or arch your back.
- Don't let your upper arms move. Keep your elbows at a "fixed-point" throughout the exercise.
- Don't just let the weight drop behind your head. Slowly lower the weight so that you are resisting the weights downward force. You may need your partner or someone to grab the rope and let it down after you have completed your set.
Alternative exercises to overhead cable tricep extensions
Courtesy of Global-Fitness.com, your Online Personal Trainer
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