Tricep exercises
The triceps add size and shape to the upper arms. The triceps are actually made up of not one muscle but three seperate 'heads'. The triceps make up two-thirds of the upper arm so exercising the triceps with the right exercises can have a dramatic effect on how your arms look.
The primary function of the tricep muscles are to extend the elbow - aiding all pushing movements and allowing us to throw a ball or push off a surface.
Below are a number of exercises which will allow you to exercise each part of your tricep muscles. Simply click on the name of an exercise to watch a free video demonstration of that exercise.
Tricep exercises: Video demonstrations
Lying tricep extensions (Bb)
Lying tricep extensions (Db)
One arm tricep pushdowns
Overhead tricep extensions
Overhead tricep extensions (Bb)
Overhead tricep extensions (Cable)
Reverse tricep pushdowns
Rope pushdowns
Tricep bench dips
Tricep kickbacks
Tricep pushdowns
Weighted tricep dips
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